Autumn Coloring Pages


Autumn is a lovely time of year, with cooler weather, beautiful foliage, and fun holidays. Autumn Leaves Coloring Pages featuring the brilliant hues of red, orange, and yellow maple leaves are a must. Have kids color a tree with Autumn Leaves Coloring Pages falling or a child jumping into a giant pile of leaves.

No autumn coloring page collection would be complete without Pumpkin Patch Coloring Pages scenes full of plump orange pumpkins. Include pages with pumpkins growing on vines and children picking out pumpkins to carve into Jack-O-Lantern Coloring Pages with triangle eyes and nose and a toothy grin.

Halloween Coloring Pages themes should also be included. A haunted house with a glowing Jack-O-Lantern Coloring Pages outside the door is fun. Add a Ghost Coloring Pages flying by and a Witch Coloring Pages flying on her broomstick across the full moon for an extra spooky scene. Don’t forget to include a Spider Web Coloring Pages with a spider spinning an intricate design.

Thanksgiving Coloring Pages allow kids to color turkeys, pumpkin pies, corn, and more food. Be sure to include an Acorn Coloring Pages or two on the table. Include pages with Autumn Leaves Coloring Pages delicately drifting down from trees overhead. Leaves falling on kids dressed up for Trick or Treat Coloring Pages or a playful dog bounding through a pile of leaves kick them up into the air.

Pages showing popular fall activities are also engaging. Rake Coloring Pages up the Autumn Leaves Coloring Pages in the yard then jump in the pile. Go on a Hayride Coloring Pages through a Vineyard Coloring Pages with grapes ripening to purple. Capture blustery Windy Day Coloring Pages scenes like bare trees blowing in the wind or a hat flying off someone’s head. Add Squirrels Coloring Pages scurrying around collecting Acorns Coloring Pages and birds flying south in flocks.

Fill pages with Autumn Leaves Coloring Pages, Pumpkins Coloring Pages, Hay Bales Coloring Pages, Acorns Coloring Pages and Pinecones Coloring Pages for kids to color. Pulling in all these elements keeps children engaged while celebrating the sights, symbols, colors and activities of autumn.

Coloring pages are a great way of reducing stress, find out what other benefits coloring pages have.

Please also have a look at our Summer Coloring Pages and Winter Coloring Pages

Vibrant Fall Foliage and Acorns


Cheerful Leaves Medley

Autumn leaves

Nighttime Fire Dance


Chestnut in the Forest



Pumpkin Patch Playtime


Fields of Gold and Stacked Hay

Hay bale

Whimsical Hayride Excursion


Grinning Jack-O'-Lantern Delight


Mosaic of Maple Leaf Colors

Maple leaf

Enchanted Forest Mushrooms


Dreamy Pinecone Wonderland


Cozy Corner with Pumpkins

pumpkin patch

Magical Rake and Leaves


Whimsical Scarecrow in the Field


Whispers of Spider Web Secrets

spider web

Gratitude in Every Detail


Jack-o'-Lantern Parade

Trick or treat

Serene Vineyard Landscape


Children's Toy Wagon Fun


Gusts of Wind Through the Trees

Windy day

Dazzling Witch's Brew
