Chocolate bar

Scrumptious Chocolate Bar Coloring Pages


Hi friends, it’s Daisy here! I wanted to share my top tips for coloring decadent chocolate bar coloring pages. As a children’s book illustrator with a sweet tooth, chocolate bars are one of my favorite treats to bring to life through art.

Let’s dive in to making some mouthwatering cacao creations! Grab your brown crayon and let’s get coloring.

Chocolate Coloring Pages

When illustrating any chocolate treat, I always start with the wrapper. Outlining the bar shape and using bright, eye-catching colors captures that shiny foil. I like using bold reds, oranges, greens and more.

Don’t be afraid to illustrate fun textures either like polka dots, stripes, or swirls. You can also add little details like logos, quirky characters, or text on the wrapper. Let your chocolate bar coloring pages pop!

Sweets Coloring Pages

Once you’ve wrapped up your chocolate bar, it’s time for the good stuff – the cacao itself! Warm browns are perfect for capturing that rich chocolatey color. I use darker shades for extra dark or fudgey chocolate varieties.

To illustrate those signature chocolate sheens, grab your metallic or glossy crayons. Long vertical lines help mimic that smooth, melted texture. Outline ripples, drips, or cracks with black for extra detail. Your sweets coloring pages will look scrumptious enough to eat!

Share Your Chocolate Creations

I hope these tips inspire you to create some luscious chocolate bar coloring pages masterpieces! Feel free to share your artwork with me, I’d love to see your decadent designs.

For more sweet coloring fun, try your hand at Cocoa Coloring Pages, Cookie Coloring Pages, Cupcake Coloring Pages, or Dumplings Coloring Pages. Enjoy!

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

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Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

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Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

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Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

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Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

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Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

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Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate bar coloring page Chocolate bar coloring pages Download Print

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate bar coloring page Chocolate bar coloring pages Download Print

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate bar coloring page Chocolate bar coloring pages Download Print

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate bar coloring page Chocolate bar coloring pages Download Print

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate bar coloring page Chocolate bar coloring pages Download Print

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate bar coloring page Chocolate bar coloring pages Download Print

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate bar coloring page Chocolate bar coloring pages Download Print

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate bar coloring page Chocolate bar coloring pages Download Print

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate bar coloring page Chocolate bar coloring pages Download Print

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate bar coloring page Chocolate bar coloring pages Download Print

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar coloring page Chocolate Bar coloring pages Download Print

Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Bar

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