Personal Use of Images:

All images available on COLORINGCORNER.NET are freely accessible for personal usage. Whether for leisurely coloring, individual projects, or home-based educational activities, users are encouraged to enjoy the content offered on our site. However, please note, this free use policy strictly applies to personal, non-commercial activities only.

Commercial Use or Distribution:

In the event that any image from COLORINGCORNER.NET is used in a commercial capacity or in any distributed manner, it is mandatory for the user to provide a link back to the corresponding category from where the image was sourced on our website. This helps us maintain the integrity of our site and ensures the creators are acknowledged appropriately.

For example, if an image is sourced from the “Animals” category, any commercial or distributed usage of that image should include a link back to the “Animals” category on COLORINGCORNER.NET.

NOTE: The link must point to the category, not the image itself.

Trademark-based Imagery:

Any images or artwork based on trademarked characters or entities that are available on COLORINGCORNER.NET are intended solely as fan art. These pieces of work are created out of admiration and respect for the original works and are not designed to infringe upon or compete with the original trademark.

It should be noted that all such trademarked characters and entities remain the property of their respective owners, and we at COLORINGCORNER.NET do not assert any claim over their rights.

By using our website and its content, you agree to adhere to these guidelines. Please respect the time and effort our artists put into creating these images, and help us maintain a respectful and creative community.

For any concerns related to intellectual property rights or copyright infringement, kindly contact us immediately, and we will take necessary steps to address your concerns.