Christmas tree

Deck the Halls with Christmas Tree Coloring Pages


A twinkling Christmas tree is the heart of holiday decor. With glittering lights, ornaments, and a starry topper, it just begs to be colored in.

Let kids go wild decorating tall evergreen Christmas trees with strands of lights, shiny balls, homemade ornaments like popcorn strings, and a golden star on top. Don’t forget piles of presents underneath!

Show different types of trees to color like a towering fir in the town square or a mini tabletop tree in a cozy living room. Set up a decorating scene where kids trim the Christmas tree together.

Incorporate holiday themes like having Santa ride a sled around the Christmas tree or using candy canes and gingerbread men as tree ornaments. A tree covered in snow is also magical.

No matter how it’s decked out, a festive Christmas tree coloring pages is the perfect centerpiece for other winter favorites like stockings, wreaths, snowmen and reindeer.

Through coloring, kids can create their fantasy Christmas tree filled with personal decor. The lights will shine all season long as they imagine gathering around their masterpiece!

Why not take a nibble with out Hot Cocoa Coloring Pages or Cookie Coloring Pages

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